Joshua Swift (former Parliamentary Intern for the Environment) reflects on his journey from a small town to the heart of decision-making and his experiences in the program which helped him gain invaluable skills and experience in working on environmental issues.
Coco Wang (former Parliamentary Intern for the Environment) shares her story growing up in a mining community in China. She reflects on the profound impact that the PIE program had on her, and how she carries this knowledge forward into her new journey as a law student.
Camilla (former Parliamentary Intern for the Environment) realized the importance of understanding Canada's political system to contribute to sustainability. The program launched her career and deepened her awareness of underrepresented communities. Now, she advocates for these communities.
Skw'akw'as and Christopher share their experiences in the PIE program. They discuss overcoming challenges as outsiders in politics and the importance of diverse voices in climate policy.
Lindsey Solmonson, a Sustainable Agriculture Intern, reflects on how her experience in the PIE program has expanded her perspective, transitioning from research to real-world policy implementation, and building connections across diverse sectors.
Isabelle and Andrea, former Parliamentary Interns, highlight the value of peer-to-peer learning and coalition-building, finding support and camaraderie within the program as they worked towards effective environmental advocacy during their time in the program.
The Hon. Michael Chong highlights the impact of the PIE program, noting how interns energize parliamentary work on environmental issues. He encourages both young leaders and MPs to participate, stressing the program’s role in nurturing future environmental advocates.
MP Leah Gazan highlights the passion and knowledge interns from the PIE program have brought to her office, actively contributing to drafting motions and learning parliamentary processes. Gazan encourages young leaders passionate about the environment to apply for this valuable opportunity.
MP Alistair MacGregor highlights how interns from the PIE program provide invaluable research and support, enhancing committee preparation and legislative work on environmental issues. MacGregor underscores the program's role in developing future leaders and addressing critical environmental issues.
Since 2018, the Parliamentary Internship for the Environment (PIE) program has sought to equip the next generation of environmental leaders with invaluable skills, experience, and political know-how to drive change.