Through the delivery of projects like 100 Debates on the Environment and Every Day Advocates, we've amassed a library of useful resources to help build the capacity of environmental advocates to engage in political processes and push for environmental leadership and accountability.
Here you'll find some of our most popular toolkits, templates, and more!
NOTE: The resource library is growing. We will continually add new resources to this page.
Resources for folks looking to better understand politics and engage in advocacy between elections.
Advocacy & Politics
Debates are a crucial tool for anybody looking to engage with their democracy, but they take a lot of work! Luckily, we've got you covered. Together with partners like Équiterre and community groups, we've helped hundreds of organizers across the country hold debates in their communities - and we've learned a lot along the way. Here are some of our most useful debate resources.
We've taken the contents of our organizer's toolkit and all of our experiences helping organizers across the country to create this video series. Watch the whole thing or skip ahead to a topic you're curious about!